All I want for Christmas is a Brompton M3L

A couple of years I had my longtime held Yuletide desire for a Dukla Prage away kit satisfied but asking Santa for a Brompton is probably pushing it a bit.

With the smattering of snow we’ve had for the past few days I’ve ducked out of cycling as I was looking for an excuse to rest up and recharge anyway.  Instead I’ve taken the tram (despite me recently suggesting there are better alternatives) and today I got chatting to a Brompton rider who was heading out of town on the Altrincham line.

There he stood on Moseley St bold as you like with his blatently un-covered (but beautifully compact) M3L waiting for a tram.  It’s a fabulous piece of engineering, I tentatively asked if I could lift it up and he obliged.  It certainly felt 3kg lighter than my 13kg Raleigh Folder but the bigger difference was the size, meaning that you could comfortably carry it around by its seatpost.   He had travelled by car from Ramsbottom to Bury, then tram’d into the city centre before traming out again and was to finish with a 3 mile ride from Brooklands to Wythenshaw.

Whilst chatting to him I realised I had used my folding bike more than I imagined I would have done.  If I could find a second hand buyer for it at work next spring I might be able to justify upgrading….

About holmesinho

Happily married father of 2 living in Prestwich 5 miles north of Manchester, England. I cycle most days though mostly commuting and also enjoy running and triathlon.
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7 Responses to All I want for Christmas is a Brompton M3L

  1. Jim says:

    They are worth every penny (although mine is secondhand) and are a real joy to ride. The tiny wheels can feel a little twitchy when you first ride one, but what you are really feeling is extremely good maneuverability. Rode mine all through the winter & the snow last year without any probs. It’s the fold that is just unbeatable though, it can literally go with you anywhere. Fits nicely inside an ikea bag as well 😉

    • holmesinho says:

      Wish I could find one second hand! I gingerly rode a couple of miles at lunchtime today and a couple more through snow and slush on my way towards a homeward bus stop. Nice tip about the ikea bag, that would look good on the tram.

  2. Darrell says:

    I’m tempted by a Brompton myself and I have no need of one. Go on – treat yourself.

    • holmesinho says:

      You’re tempting me! But I really must honour the agreement to supply my son with a talking Woody doll on Christmas morning as per his negotiations with Santa (Ron) at the fair on Saturday. I’ll hold off until spring and then look again or go through the CTW scheme for a 3rd time

  3. Darrell says:

    Go on. Buy the kids and Chrimbo presents and treat yourself as well. You work hard, provide well. It’s Christmas after all. There is only a few hrs left on the bid. It has a Brooks Saddle…

    I’m going for one on eBay as well. Monday will tell if I’ve got it.

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