Just another day

Actually it’s not just another day, it’s my birthday and it’s been brilliant already.  Having the kids around has brought the magic back to birthdays even if the numbers are starting to get a bit scary.  Maria seems to go to about a party a week at the moment due to her various social circles.  She knows what birthdays are all about and loves making cards, cakes and wrapping presents.  She was as excited about today as I was and counted down the days to the big day, she’s learnt about ‘surprises’ although this was after blurting out the design of my surprise birthday card a few days ago: It was a bike constructed out of pipe cleaners, stickers, fuzzy felt and a button (which provided a fairly realistic crank)
As I write, I am lying in bed whilst the kids are having breakfast and Catriona prepares me a special breakfast (oh and I have got the day off work as I’ve just realised I would have left the house about 40 minutes ago).  Later we are going into Manchester for a bit of shopping whilst my parents look after the kids.  We did the same thing for Catriona’s birthday last month and were amazed at how much fun we had.  That time we were lucky as we had bought everything we were looking for by 2pm and then enjoyed a very relaxed lunch at La Tasca.  Today it’s to be Yo Sushi in Selfridges and although I feel I could eat my own bodyweight in sushi (I adore the stuff) a lunchtime meal means I will have to exert a degree of self control (especially at my age).
I’ve been feeling my age over the last few months and the grey flecks are starting to appear quite quickly.  Having said that, when I look at my peers, I’m not doing all that bad.  I feel content with where I am and very positive about the future, there definately is no desire to turn back the clock.  Will I still feel like this in 3 years time when I hit the next big landmark?  

About holmesinho

Happily married father of 2 living in Prestwich 5 miles north of Manchester, England. I cycle most days though mostly commuting and also enjoy running and triathlon.
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